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Upcoming Performances

Events and News 

The show must go on....line!      (or OUTSIDE)

Happy Summer! Pleased to have several online shows and an outdoor street performance coming up! 

August 6th- Fremont Fringe 


July 4th-10th Tickets and Info 

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I got to join VAM Studios in Fremont for their monthly takeover of the neighborhood! Joined by my 4th grade niece and nephew, and several other performance groups, we dance and spread joy and it felt great to performing in person again! 


June 30th and on demand until July 14th. 


June 20th and 21st. Tickets and Info. 


Happy Spring! I'm fully vaccinated and so excited to get back into a theatre! Until then, I have a couple of virtual shows coming up including one in Scotland! Look below, mark your calendars, and snag a ticket! I also made a short film with original music composed by my partner for Noveltease Theatre's EKPHRASIS series- see it below! 


April 7th & 18th - Tickets and Info 


March 2021 Happy One Year Anniversary of Pandemic Life! (*insert scream/crying here*) Someday, we'll all be able to safely gather in a theatre and perform LIVE. When is that "someday" ? Who the fuck knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  But for now, I'm doing what a lot of artists are doing- just trying to keep on keeping on and making work in a new way.  I am so excited to be a part of some virtual shows coming up! Details below!  


Dear Diary, It's October 2020 and we're still doing this whole pandemic thing and it sucks. But I'm thrilled that I'm less depressed enough to be part of three amazing events! Details below! 

Rescheduled to oct 1



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Oct 15th 


JULY 2020.


It's July now and we're still in the midsts of a global health crisis. In person events are in flux for now but art is still being made! I'm slowly dipping my toes into creating digital content. Was your vacation cancelled and you want to commission a silly video to cheer up your traveling companions? You can hire me to do that! 

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 July 12th - an online fundraiser for Noveltease Theatre! The Bearenstoned Bears made a new digital sketch piece for Big Lit Energy!

MARCH 2020 


WHELP.....Like every other live performing artist, all of my upcoming shows and events I had booked are indefinitely postponed due to COVID-19 : ( 

I am spending my days with my isolation crew which includes my partner on an urban farm. I'm fortunate that all my creative energy can go towards gardening this Spring! Follow my instagram for green thumb updates & cute pet pics.    


For work, I am homeschooling my niece and nephew while schools are closed! 

Check out this blog the kids and I featured on with The Denver Philharmonic Orchestra- Click here. 




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 If you have the means, please consider supporting other artists during this time of financial uncertainty. Ijeoma Oluo is a Seattle based author, activist, and artist and has been working tirelessly to help support Seattle's wonderful but hurting art's scene.  Click Here throw some much needed $$$ for Seattle Artists!

And finally, when we're allowed again to congregate physically to share art and smooch each other's faces- Please invite me to see your work and reach out to colloborate with me! Until then, Stay home and be well! xoT 

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